Short One-to-Two-hour Sessions

For School students above 13 +
- Social media and tech De-addiction [Series of 3-5 sessions over 2-3 months]
- Conquering Procrastination [Series of 3-4 sessions over 2-3 months]
- Peers: Pressure or Collaboration? [Series of 3-5 sessions over 2-3 months]
- Understanding and overcoming the need for Social Validation! [Series of 3-4 sessions over 2-3 months]
- Preparing for Examinations and handling Exam-related stress
- Time Management: Making 48 hours out of 24!
- Telephone/Mobile phone Etiquette
- Motivation tools: Intrinsic or Extrinsic?
- Other Customised sessions based on Training Need Analysis

For School Teachers [Middle and Senior School]
- Different Learner Types
- Effective Communication: Verbal and Non verbal
- Classroom Management and Joyful Learning Experience
- Planning Lessons for Teacher’s Diary
- Interactive and Inclusive Teaching classroom ambience
- Collaborative or Individualistic Work Environment!
- English Enhancement Techniques for English Language teachers
- Upping Mindfulness, Spiritual and Emotional Quotient and its Impact
- Blooms Taxonomy: Real learning Outcomes
- Promoting Buddy and Collaborative Learning
- Mentorship Programmes: the need of the hour!
- Time Management: Making 48 hours out of 24!
- Motivation beyond Appraisals
- Other Customised sessions based on Training Need Analysis

For Corporate Clients
- To be or not to be- Overcoming Indecisiveness
- Conquering Procrastination
- Mindfulness and Joyful Work Environment
- Doing away with Juggling: Striking a Work Life Balance (WLB)
- Change is the only Constant: Periodic Upgradation of skills
- Time Management: Making 48 hours out of 24!
- Business Communication and Email etiquette
- Non-abrasive Work Environment and Increase in Output
- Motivation beyond Appraisals
- Other Customised sessions based on Training Need Analysis
Short One-to-Two-hour Sessions
For School students above 13 + Age Group
- Social media and tech De-addiction [Series of 3-5 sessions over 2-3 months]
- Conquering Procrastination [Series of 3-4 sessions over 2-3 months]
- Peers: Pressure or Collaboration? [Series of 3-5 sessions over 2-3 months]
- Understanding and overcoming the need for Social Validation! [Series of 3-4 sessions over 2-3 months]
- Preparing for Examinations and handling Exam-related stress
- Time Management: Making 48 hours out of 24!
- Telephone/Mobile phone Etiquette
- Motivation tools: Intrinsic or Extrinsic?
- Other Customised sessions based on Training Need Analysis
For Corporate Clients
- To be or not to be- Overcoming Indecisiveness
- Conquering Procrastination
- Mindfulness and Joyful Work Environment
- Doing away with Juggling: Striking a Work Life Balance (WLB)
- Change is the only Constant: Periodic Upgradation of skills
- Time Management: Making 48 hours out of 24!
- Business Communication and Email etiquette
- Non-abrasive Work Environment and Increase in Output
- Motivation beyond Appraisals
- Other Customised sessions based on Training Need Analysis
For School Teachers (Middle and Senior School)
- Different Learner Types
- Effective Communication: Verbal and Non verbal
- Classroom Management and Joyful Learning Experience
- Planning Lessons for Teacher’s Diary
- Interactive and Inclusive Teaching classroom ambience
- Collaborative or Individualistic Work Environment!
- English Enhancement Techniques for English Language teachers
- Upping Mindfulness, Spiritual and Emotional Quotient and its Impact
- Blooms Taxonomy: Real learning Outcomes
- Promoting Buddy and Collaborative Learning
- Mentorship Programmes: the need of the hour!
- Time Management: Making 48 hours out of 24!
- Motivation beyond Appraisals
- Other Customised sessions based on Training Need Analysis
Ten-week Transformational Programme for Adults
What to expect: A transformation in nearly all areas of one’s life by identifying and reinforcing empowering codes, enhanced decision making, unleashing one’s true potential, realizing one’s dreams, increasing one’s happiness quotient through Buzz Moments.
Six-week Transformational Programme for Working Mothers
What to expect: A series of five-six customised sessions after a personality assessment and after a complete understanding of the wheel of life where transformation is desired. These would cover areas such as striking a balance between the family, children and other social obligations, personal growth and profession; self-love, health and fitness, some tips on parenting, the mantra of moderation, mindful living, time management and inclusion of plenty of buzz moments.