Hi! I'm Mind Coach Gita Nath

My Journey Starts...

 Hi! I’m Mind Coach Gita Nath, a passionate wellness professional. I have been an educationist for over three and a half decades, and during that time, was given the responsibility to teach English to students of senior classes and help with various school events. Being highly sensitive to the emotional needs of my students, I could gauge when something was bothering them. On a gentle nudge from me with a ‘You can talk to me if you wish to; I am there to listen!’ tumbled out such painful experiences wherein most of them confessed that they felt that they had no one who cared enough to listen to them and could guide them through their turbulent stage of growing up.   

 The word: ‘Talk to Nath Ma’am. She listens and helps you find the solution!’ spread like wild fire. Gradually, not only my students with adolescent issues but even their parents began to approach me for tips in parenting. I noticed that they invariably lapped up all the advice that I gave them! Their complete trust in me which literally made me the anchor of their lives, put an additional moral responsibility on me! This went on even after they left school, went to college and got married. The nature of their problems changed with time, and yet, they continued to confide in me and seek my guidance. I would guide them but also make it clear that they need to start making informed decisions on their own and pave their own path towards self-reliance. Depending on the anchor for a long time is not going to help them.

 It was one of my dear former students who made me realise that coaching, more than counselling, was my true calling. As people say that the universe conspires to help you realize your dream, I got a call from the Arfeen Khan University the very next day inviting me to their three-day seminar. And lo and behold, I enrolled myself, successfully completed ‘The Incredible You Coach Training’ and became a certified Life Coach from CCE, accredited by the International Coach Federation.

 Since then, I have been on this path to transform the lives of those stuck in a rut that stops them from realizing their dreams and goals, using processes that have been tried and tested by over 6000 coaches.  There is complete confidentiality in the process where the discussions are done in an absolutely non-judgmental manner. The main aim to get them out of their past, enable them to change their lens, have a new narrative and operate from the best state of their minds.

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